Andromeda is a hybrid product-service company that transforms businesses through market research, strategy development, and technology application.
Sparta Science - ML Movement Health Platform. Helps people to measure the body’s movement as a vital sign and providing leading indicators for improving overall performance and musculoskeletal health.
ML Movement Health Platform.
Work-Relay automates the coordination, management, and optimization of time-sensitive, repetitive, and complex processes ensuring the right work gets to the right resource in the right sequence at the right time.
Automates the coordination, management.
Parapsycenter provides valuable health information, tools for managing your health, and support to those who seek information.
Provides valuable health information.
Our process is the secret lies in constant quality control within different industry standards and continuous service improvement based on clients’ feedback.
Started with startups we believe in T-shaped professionals who can create daring products.
We offer products that complement our services well and help digitalize our clients’ businesses.